Junseok Oh

Junseok Oh

개발자를 꿈꾸는 대학생


© 2022

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💁🏻 About Me,

혁신적인 개발자를 꿈꾸는 대학생,

안녕하세요, 현재 미국 대학교, Purdue University 에서 Computer Science를 전공 중인 오준석입니다. 새로운 것을 만들어 내는게 취미인 저는 과제를 할때에도 코드를 재미있고 효율적인 방식으로 가독성 높게 짜는 편입니다. 아직 개발 경험은 턱없이 부족하지만, 끈기있게 배움을 포기하지 않고 더 도움이 되는 개발자가 되겠습니다.

Dreaming to become an Innovative Developer,

Hello! My name is Junseok Oh. Usually, I love to create something new throughout my life and don’t hesitate to learn about things that I feel are interesting. And this made my code more creative and efficient at the same time in college, which also made readers have ‘fun’ reading and reviewing my code. I do not have enough development experience, but I will stay busy learning new concepts and becoming a more reliable and innovative developer.

I am currently a Junior at Purdue University Computer Science, specializing in the Machine Intelligence track and minoring in Mathematics. I am currently in an active search for an opportunity for the upcoming summer season internship. I love to create something new throughout my life and don’t hesitate to learn about things that I feel are interesting. And this made my code more creative and efficient at the same time in college, which also made readers have ‘fun’ reading and reviewing my code. I always stay busy learning new concepts and becoming a more reliable and innovative developer.

Connect & Channel

Linkedin: Linkedin

✉️ Personal Email: ohjunseok3089@gmail.com

📋 Personal Github: github.com/ohjunseok3089

☕️ Personal Blog: ohjunseok3089.github.io

Junseok's GitHub stats

⛏️ Skills


- Java, C, C++, R
- Intellij, Visual Studio, Vim, R Studio
- Git ## FrontEnd
- phpStorm ## DevOps
- FileZilla

💻 Working Experience & Projects

WittGen Biotechnologies

- 🗓 2022. 05 ~ Current

Data Scientist Intern - R
Data Scientist Intern 
• Contribute scraping data for AI-driven Cancer Heterogeneity Profiling Platform.
• Genomic Data processing for Machine Learning algorithm development
• Extracting, merging, integrating inspecting, processing Data, and differentiating cell types.

Stanford University Research Web Developer

- 🗓 2022. 02 ~ Current

Web Developer - JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and PHP
Front-end Developer for Bioinformatics Database for scEmbroider Visualization Tool
• Build a database for the Bioinformatics project to visualize the single-cell RNA-seq dataset.
• Provide bioinformatics data and allow people to share scRNA data and formatted files from the single-cell Embroider visualization tool with non-bioinformaticians.
• Utilize D3.js tools to make a visual representation of t–Stochastic Neighbourhood Embedding (t-SNE) and Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) on the website


    SCEmbroider: Spatial visualizer of single-cell RNA sequencing
        Stanford University
    - Siyeon Rhee*, Soochi Kim*, Minwoo Jung, Yein Jung, Yunju Jung, Soojung So, Junseok Oh, ., Jisoo Kim# & Joseph C. Wu #. SCEmbroider: Spatial visualizer of single-cell RNA sequencing data. Manuscript in progress

ByteTech Inc.

- 🗓 2021. 03 ~ 2021. 08 (5 Months)

Intern - JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and PHP
• Built and designed website for students to manage test scores to visualize percentile standing of test scores.
• Developed scripts for the overall test score analysis process by utilizing radix sort to provide students with various sorting options to educate their short-term and long-term weaknesses. 
• Contributed to developing machine learning regression analysis for students’ test scores utilizing TensorFlow and Scikit-Learn to provide a score-improvement solution for students intuitively.
• Resulted in 300+ new users and 20%+ increase in revenue by renewing previous test score analysis and key visualizations.

- 🗓 2019. 05 ~ 2019. 09 (4 Months)

Intern - JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and PHP
• Redesigned SQL database storing method to manage the category table of exam questions.
• Developed key features for the website managing the test database user-friendly and automated the test score calculation with Java/PHP.
• Identified inefficiencies in previous curriculum by conducting 10+ user interviews to modify the class formation/curriculums.
• Revamped the previous class formation by shifting the classes from English proficiency level of students to areas of knowledge and marked 17% increase in average SAT scores and 20+ new coming students.

• 2021년 7월 본격 론칭.

- 프론트엔드
    웹사이트 디자인
    유저 친화적인 구상
- 백엔드
    데이터베이스 구축
    성적 분석 알고리즘 구현
    TensorFlow & Sklearn (사이킷런) 활용한 Linear Regression & Score Prediction

🚴‍♂️ Personal Experiences & Projects

Hello World Hackathon

- 🗓 2019. 09

- 참여한 프로젝트
    대학생들의 성적을 넣고 평균 학점 계산 및 시간표 생성과 시간 알리미 안드로이드 앱 구현 참여

📚 Education

Purdue University

- 🖥 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

- 🎓 Expected graduation year : 2024